Saturday, November 18, 2017

bzbz's Nanban Trading Guide (repost)

bzbz's Nanban Trading Guide

Welcome to this Nanban Trading Guide. The guide will be split into 5 main parts as follow:

1. What is Nanban Trading?
2. Unlocking Port for trading (Individual and Company)
3. Understanding the supply/demand graph
4. Exchanging of Nanban Trade Goods
5. Selling the Nanban Trade Goods

Bonus Chapter:
1. Nanban Travelling Paths
2. Relationship between Nanban Trading and Port Investing

Note: This guide will be entering the "UWO Guide Fair" by OGPlanet, information are based on GAMA server, please use this as a reference only. Certain information/knowledge are obtained from a mixture of wiki pages (Ivyro, Taiwanese Wiki and Japanese Wiki)

Chapter 1: What is Nanban Trading
Nanban Trading is a unique way of trading within the world of UWO, instead of purchasing trade goods from Town A and sell it at Town B, it requires you to obtain trade goods, sail to an unlocked Nanban port, and perform the trade.

Requirement: East Asia Port Permit (Obtain at Manila after all other Port Permit have been unlocked) The whole East Asia is split into 4 countries, you will have to unlock them separately to perform Nanban trading. See Chapter 2 for more information.

Chapter 2: Unlocking Port for trading
East Asia is split into 4 different area (South China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan), they each have their own Trade Goods, each town within those area have their own demand and supply, rate changes at approximate 12 minutes interval.

In order to unlock to trade at each of those area, you will have to bribe the Town Official of the first town:
South China ~ Macau
Taiwan ~ Tamsui
Korea ~ Pohang
Japan ~ Nagasaki
Each of the town requires 1000 Gift Points. Points are calculated based on the type of goods (Local Specialty Goods are recommended) and the back stock of the town. See Chapter 3 for more information on back stock

(Special thanks to valdz1 for the screenshot)

Recommended Trade Goods for bribing:
Most of the time the required amount of the above Trade Goods are between 200-300, unless there is an abnormal amount of back stock (e.g. during Recession status).
To unlock further port and hidden EA trade goods, you will need to reach the contribution point requirement, this will slowly increase as you perform trading to a town of the same country.

South China
Macau: 0
Quanzhou: 10,000
Hangzhou: 20,000
Yuntaishan: 30,000
Luo han guo: 31,000
Wuxu Porcelain: 33,000
Gumo Ink: 37,000
Huzhou Brush: 40,000
Chongqing: 40,000
Mianzhu nian hua: 44,000

Tamsui: 0
Anping: 20,000
Orange Daylily: 26,000
Water Caltrop: 46,000

Pohang: 0
Hanyang: 5,000
Yangzhou Chestnut: 32,000
Korean Black Raspberry: 37,000
Busan: 40,000
Korean Cactus: 43,000

Nagasaki: 0
Sakai: 5,000
Soft Rush: 34,000
Edo: 40,000
Paper lantern: 43,000
Saori: 45,000

Company Nanban Port

Companies can set up one of the 4 main port as their Nanban port. The director of the company have to perform the bribing process representing the company, the Gift Point required is 4000 points, the point system is calculate the same way as the individual port bribing.

Once the Company Nanban Port been set up, whenever a member of the company perform a trade to the specific port, it will add (or lose) contribution points towards the Company Nanban Contribution, the contribution points can also been increase by delivering trade goods to Company Admin Office at the base port of the Company.

The Company Nanban Contribution Points will unlock a Company Liner once it reach the requirement, the Company Liner will allow member of the company to travel between the Company base port to the selected EA port, the requirement is calculate as follow:

Number of Company member x 500 points = minimum requirement for Company Liner
e.g. Company with 50 members will need 50 x 500 points = 25000 points

Note: The Liner will appear or disappear during the monthly cut over for Company Contribution date (15th of each month)

Chapter 3: Understanding the supply/demand graph

This topic could be a little complicate, it is based on the standard Economic concept, therefore think about the situation in real life on supply/demand.
First, you will need to locate a "Nanban Trade Merchant", they are the person you talk to for the Nanban trade in East Asia's port, but they are also spread around the world, mostly in South East Asia ports and major Europe port next to the Company Admin Office.
By selecting "Nanban Trade Information", you will be able to select a city that you have unlocked, the window will look like this:

As you can see, Nagasaki is currently in Recession, it means the demand of most items drops and backstock will increase. For a good trade, you should provide the Trade Good Category which have low backstock (means the town don't have many stock in that category). Also within the same category there are some Trade Goods which works better to certain town, an Ivyro page gives a guideline of what each Trade Good exchange rate. The following Ivyro page provide the percentage of the trade good you will be expecting to get as return. Note: English version of the page does not have this information, you will have to change the language from the top of the page. Page is under the "Trade Good" Link on the left of Ivyro.

Chapter 4: Exchanging of Nanban Trade Goods
OK Nanban traders, time to actually start the trading. This part will be done via a screenshot walkthrough instead :)

1. Talk to the Nanban Trade Merchant, select Nanban Trade. The window looks like this:

Here you will need to select what you want to deal with the Nanban Trade Merchant.

2. After you selected what you want to make the deal, the window will look like this:
This window shows the amount of good you will receive, you can either select the trade good of your choice or cancel here.

3. Instead of trading right now, I will put my equipment booster to activate a ship skill "Nanban Trade Preference"

Repeat Step 2, and this is what I get:

Note that the amount have changed, the exchange rate will increase by an extra 20% with the Nanban Trade Preference skill.

4. Now we going into the Astro part of the Nanban Trading, "Nanban Purveyor Certificate" increase the exchange rate by 3 times. The Certificate can be bought in Astro Shop at the price of 19x Astro for 20x Certs, and this is how it looks when you use it:

Now repeat Step 2 and you will see the Exchange rate is now multiplied by 3 (believe rounding applied in the background, it often have 1-2 different to the exact amount)

Now when you decided to trade, select the prefer trade good of your choice, and perform the trade.
Tip: Double click on the trade good to avoid wrong item being selected ~ this friendly tip is provided by Callyps0

Chapter 5: Selling the Nanban Trade Goods

It will be every Nanban Trader's dream to get as much profit out of a trip as possible. You can bazaar the trade good at the major town, or you can follow this chapter and get as much profit out as possible.

Like this price for your Saori? Let me explain it in detail.

EA trade goods have a different base price base on which country you sell them, Ivyro is one of the place you can get a reference on what price range you can expect in different area. You can access the page via "Nanban Trade", select "Market Rate" on the country where you obtain the EA trade goods. Note: The information from Ivyro was before the EA trade good price adjustment, price has been decrease by 20-30% after the adjustment.

*Screenshot have been modified to allow Saori to be easily display here.

This shows that Saori have a better price at The Netherlands and Iberia area, which means the Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish and French (only at Montpellier) will be benefited, as players from these nation will be allowed to sell the Saori at cities under their own nation without being taxed.

Also haggling can increase the profit by a huge amount, with a load of 2000x Saori you can often get an extra 10-20m from successful haggle. Therefore Nanban Traders, time to work on your Accounts and Sociability skill, as these will allow higher chance of successful haggle and reduce the chance of failure in negotiation.

The screenshot of the Saori trade above was at Antwerp (Dutch Allied) with my Dutch toon, 140% base rate + max haggle. So it worth to check the rate of all the nearby town of your nation.

Market Protection
This is a critical part to selling EA good from a nation point of view, imagine that someone from your nation was 5-10 minutes ahead of you with the same trade goods, they found a port at 140% so they sold it and crash the market, which mean you will lose the chance of selling it at a good price.

There is a solution to it, and if we all willing to spend a tiny amount of ducats and time, we can all be happy while selling EA goods. Here is what you needed to do after you found a port with good price:
1. Check and see if the Market is already crashed. If so, you don't need to do anything
2. If it's not crashed yet, check and see if your trade good type are available at the Market, as Market are almost 'anti-crash' with whatever trade good type it is available
3. If the trade good type is not 'anti-crash' type, now you need to see whats the less favored type for the area. (Just so you don't purposely do Step 4 and kill another good trade good for the area)
4. Sail to the nearby major city and attempt to find some other EA goods of the type you want to crash, I often do multiple of 25s as sometime it take 2-3 attempts for the market crashing.
5. Sail back to the town (praying that nobody else have crash it with the type you need to sell), and sell the trade goods you got from Step 4 in lumps on 25s.
6. If Market is now crashed, YAY!! Go ahead and sell your goods and your mates from the same nation with the same trade good will be happy as well!~

Note: Less favored type require some studying of the area, you should consider all 4 countries goods and possibly spice for the spice traders.
E.g. There are no Firearms type EA good that is favored in The Netherlands, and you can use that to crash Amsterdam/Helder/Antwerp :)

Special thanks to:
Buffet/Kaname: 80% of my Nanban Knowledge came from you two, I wish you two will come back and play again
Spikes/Capt.Putin: mate... all those time we spent at sea... missed the old time
valdz1/Callyps0: Nothing to say here... lalalalala

Bonus Chapter 1: Nanban Travelling Paths

There are multiple route between Europe and East Asia, most people go for the shortest, while some people prefer to go for the safest and the most direct (less turns) route. This part is to explain the safest and direct route.

Some trader who want to travel safe will choose the Pacific Ocean side, while it is much longer in distance, and some area have bad head winds. Instead, the India Ocean side could also be safe and reasonably direct.

Link to a map of the route: Map of the Travel Route

Don't get me wrong here, pirates do know this route and once in a while a blue moon you do get attack on that route, but the chance of being attack on this route is lower than Jakarta path, and if the season is right you do catch some wind too :)

Bonus Chapter 2: Relationship between Nanban Trading and Port Investing

Investing? Why do people want to spend billions just to flip a port to their nation? Here is one of the many reasons.

Have you realized when you sell trade goods at cities under other nations you tend to get a lower price? This is because when the City is under your own nation's control, you will be able to buy/sell trade goods in a better price due to being tax-free. Area like Northern Europe have been a main target for English and Dutch, this is supported by main Nanban traders as it got a huge amount of ports for the Northern Europe favored EA trade goods (e.g. Gumo Inks).

For fully developed Cities (those that got 80,000 Development), it will cost ~80 million of invest to gain 1% of the nation. Yes it can be costly to flip a port, so gather your nation power if you planning on something *winks*

Tips on Nanban Trade

1. High trading rank helps on Nanban Exchange rate, skill can be leech off other member in your fleet.
2. Prepare some Fine tribute goods in case of a player pirate attack.
3. If you are planning on getting travelling with trade goods that doesn't like being burnt, see if you have an aide with Fire Prevention and assign him/her to that role. Or carry lot of different type of fish, and pray that the fish will get the fire before your trade goods.

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